Anti-censorship t shirts

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Anti censorship / Artistic Freedom of expression T shirts

News: The closure of the play Behzti by the Birmingham Repertory theatre is an absolute disaster. People have died for the right to free speech and artistic expression and for the Birmingham rep to capitulate to a mob has allowed it to appear that violence works, that censorship is an option. What were the managers of the Birmingham Rep thinking? Is it the opinion of the mob that decides what plays we put on?

censorship is...            

The mob that rioted outside the Birmingham theatre shows by its actions that it holds its own views as inviolable, and other views with which they disagree as unimportant. In a society in which all are deemed equal such behaviour is not only intolerable, it borders on fascist. Savonorola destroyed Botticelli works in his Bonfire of the vanities in 1497 - do we want to let Britain take a large step back towards that sort of artistic destruction?




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